South Asia's Economic Development and Reform
E. Wayne Nafziger
Mon., Apr. 19-Fri., Apr. 23, 1999

NOTE: Because of audio-visuals, the three classes are to be held in Waters 329.

Mon. Apr. 19 India's Economic Development

Video: "The Power to Change #3: The Politics and Economics of Environmental Action in an Indian Village"

Read Vijay Joshi, "India's Economic Reforms: Progress, Problems, Prospects,"Oxford Development Studies 26(3) (1998): 333-50, together with Nafziger's introduction, available at bookstore.

Wed., Apr. 21 Market Reforms in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh

Reread Baxter et al., pp. 151-57.

Fri., Apr. 23 South Asian Enterprise

Video: "The Power to Change #1: Bangladesh's Grameen Bank's Loans to Women and Microenterprises"

Look at economic information from the following:, sections on the Indian economy, sections on the Pakistani economy, sections on the Bangladesh economy, sections on India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, with emphasis on the economy

W. Nafziger's office hours are MWF 8-8:25, 9:30-10:20 a.m., and by appointment, in Waters 312.

The section following the economics section is on international relations, led by Professor Michie.